Smarttek provides complete payment solutions infrastructure with hardware for card processing and e-commerce gateways for apps and websites.
  • Payment gateway

    App and web payment infrastructure with powerful API for merchants and developers
  • POS terminal

    Stand alone payment POS accepting VISA/MASTER CARD, Google Pay, Apple Pay etc.
  • Integrated POS terminal
    Payment integrated with POS and ERP for enhanced functionality and fast payment processing

  • Paynt infrastructure for Partners
    Modern web management portal for merchants and resellers to give customers great payment benefits
Payment hardware as you need them
Other products
Paynt payments use cases

Handheld device with integrated payments

eCommerce payments for your web or app

  • Real time data
    Merchant interface provides real-time transactions report by currency, product, payment type, geography etc. This allows you to understand customer habits, increase sales and conversions.
  • Omnichannel payments
    Our payment gateway has integrations of popular shopping carts and 3rd party plugins and supports various card terminal solutions (mobile, countertop, portable, integrated, softPOS)
  • Fraud prevention
    Paynt software utilises machine learning, behavioural analytics, customer profiling and allows you to customize risk. This ensures instant and accurate signals of unwanted transactions and protects your revenue.
  • Scalable platform
    Restful open API architecture gives access to the extensive global network of card schemes and popular payment methods from many markets to power secure cross-border transactions.
Become our partners
  • Independent Sales
    Start earning faster by activating merchants in minutes. Rely on our advanced platform and support to build lasting relationships with

  • Software Vendors
    / SaaS
    Expand your payment capabilities and get access to insightful real-time data that can help to engage with your merchants on the next level.

  • Payment service
    Unlock new revenue streams with our
    easy-to-integrate payment processing
    solutions and scale your business faster by automating merchant onboarding.

Get in touch
Please send your question or request for assistance through the form below or get in touch with us via e-mail
Submit required information through the application form.

SIA Smarttek MIXTURE and Investment and Development Agency of Latvia have signed an agreement Nr. SKV-L-2022/408 on September 5, 2022 about the support within the “Promotion of international competitiveness”

program that is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.